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Célya Gruson-Daniel

Research-practitioner, consultant #Inno3 #Open_Science #Commons #Open_Source

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CFPropertyList implementation class to read, manipulate and write both XML and binary property list files (plist(5)) as defined by Apple. Have a look at CFPropertyList::List for more documentation.


In version 3.0.0 we dropped Ruby 1.8 compatibility. If you are using Ruby 1.8 consider to update Ruby; if you can’t upgrade, don’t upgrade CFPropertyList.


You could either use ruby gems and install it via

gem install CFPropertyList

or you could clone this repository and place it somewhere in your load path.


require 'cfpropertylist'

If you’re using Rails, you can add it into your Gemfile

gem 'CFPropertyList'


## create a arbitrary data structure of basic data types

data = {
  'name' => 'John Doe',
  'missing' => true,
  'last_seen' => Time.now,
  'friends' => ['Jane Doe','Julian Doe'],
  'likes' => {
    'me' => false

create CFPropertyList::List object

plist = CFPropertyList::List.new

call CFPropertyList.guess() to create corresponding CFType values

plist.value = CFPropertyList.guess(data)

write plist to file

plist.save("example.plist", CFPropertyList::List::FORMAT_BINARY)

… later, read it again

plist = CFPropertyList::List.new(:file => "example.plist")
data = CFPropertyList.native_types(plist.value)

Author and license

Author: Christian Kruse (mailto:cjk@wwwtech.de)

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2010

License: MIT License