Célya Gruson-Daniel bio photo

Célya Gruson-Daniel

Research-practitioner, consultant #Inno3 #Open_Science #Commons #Open_Source

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3.3.0 - 2019-01-23


  • Added support for auto test run when all tests are defined in modules.

  • Added support for defining methods to test case class in multiple threads. [GitHub#159][Reported by Charles Oliver Nutter]

  • Suppressed warnings on Ruby 2.5. [GitHub#160][Reported by Daniel Berger]

  • Suppressed warnings on Ruby 2.7.


  • Fixed a code snippet fetch failure when source code isn’t UTF-8 and the default external encoding is set to not UTF-8. [GitHub#161][Reported by masa kunikata]


  • Charles Oliver Nutter

  • Daniel Berger

  • masa kunikata

3.2.9 - 2018-12-01


  • Added support for data generation by method. data_#{test_name} is called to generate data for test_name test.

  • Added support for data matrix generation.


    data(:a, [0, 1, 2])
    data(:b, [:x, :y])
    def test_data(data)

    This example generates the following data matrix:

    • label: "a: 0, b: :x", data: {a: 0, b: :x}
    • label: "a: 0, b: :y", data: {a: 0, b: :y}
    • label: "a: 1, b: :x", data: {a: 1, b: :x}
    • label: "a: 1, b: :y", data: {a: 1, b: :y}
    • label: "a: 2, b: :x", data: {a: 2, b: :x}
    • label: "a: 2, b: :y", data: {a: 2, b: :y}
  • Added Test::Unit::TestCase#data that returns the current data.

  • Added support for using test method that doesn’t have no parameters as data driven test.


    data("label", :value)
    def test_data # Available since this release
      p data # :value
  • Added support for :keep option to Test::Unit::TestCase.data.

  • Added support for :group option to Test::Unit::TestCase.data. It’s useful to generate multiple data matrix groups.

    # Group1
    data(:a, [0, 1, 2], group: :g1)
    data(:b, [:x, :y], group: :g1)
    # Group2
    data(:a, [:x, :y], group: :g2)
    data(:c, [-1, -2], group: :g2)
    def test_data(data)

    This example generates the following data matrix:

    • label: "group: :g1, a: 0, b: :x", data: {a: 0, b: :x}
    • label: "group: :g1, a: 0, b: :y", data: {a: 0, b: :y}
    • label: "group: :g1, a: 1, b: :x", data: {a: 1, b: :x}
    • label: "group: :g1, a: 1, b: :y", data: {a: 1, b: :y}
    • label: "group: :g1, a: 2, b: :x", data: {a: 2, b: :x}
    • label: "group: :g1, a: 2, b: :y", data: {a: 2, b: :y}
    • label: "group: :g2, a: :x, b: -1", data: {a: :x, b: -1}
    • label: "group: :g2, a: :x, b: -2", data: {a: :x, b: -2}
    • label: "group: :g2, a: :y, b: -1", data: {a: :y, b: -1}
    • label: "group: :g2, a: :y, b: -2", data: {a: :y, b: -2}

3.2.8 - 2018-05-13


  • [UI][console]: Changed to put code snippet before backtrace on reverse mode.

3.2.7 - 2017-12-12


  • Added source code link to gemspec. [GitHub#157][Patch by Grey Baker]

  • Changed to use SVG image for badges in README. [GitHub#158][Patch by Olle Jonsson]

  • [UI][console]: Added --reverse-output option to output fault details in reverse like Ruby 2.5. It’s enabled by default only for tty output.


  • Fixed a typo. [GitHub#156][Patch by masa kunikata]

  • [UI][console]: Fixed a bug that broken align in verbose mode.


  • masa kunikata

  • Grey Baker

  • Olle Jonsson

3.2.6 - 2017-09-21


  • Changed test file require failure to error from omission. [GitHub#154][Patch by naofumi-fujii]


  • naofumi-fujii

3.2.5 - 2017-06-24


  • Supported --enable-frozen-string-literal ruby option. [GitHub#149][Reported by Pat Allan]


  • Pat Allan

3.2.4 - 2017-05-23


  • Updated tests for Ruby 2.4. [GitHUb#136][Patch by Kazuki Tsujimoto]

  • Supported power_assert 1.0.0. [GitHub#137][Patch by Kazuki Tsujimoto]

  • Added the getting started document. [GitHub#139][GitHub#141][Patch by Hiroyuki Sato]

  • Added the document for attribute. [GitHub#143][Patch by Fumiaki MATSUSHIMA]

  • Improved a link for GitHub. [GitHub#144][Patch by rochefort]

  • Updated .travis.yml. [GitHub#145][Patch by Jun Aruga]


  • Fixed a contributor name. [GitHub#131][Patch by Akira Matsuda]

  • Fixed typos in document. [GitHub#132][Patch by Akira Matsuda]

  • Fixed typos in document. [GitHub#134][Patch by Yuji Yaginuma]

  • Fixed a bug that data label with “(“ isn’t supported. [GitHub#135][Reported by Kazuki Tsujimoto]

  • Fixed assertion message in English. [GitHub#133][Reported by Khalil Fazal]

  • Fixed a typo in typo fix. [GitHub#138][Patch by kami]

  • Fixed a bug that target location finder may return wrong location. [GitHub#146][Patch by Yuki Ito]

  • Fixed a bug that --no-show-detail-immediately raises an error. [GitHub#147][Reported by MSP-Greg]


  • Akira Matsuda

  • Yuji Yaginuma

  • Kazuki Tsujimoto

  • Khalil Fazal

  • kami

  • Hiroyuki Sato

  • Fumiaki MATSUSHIMA

  • rochefort

  • Jun Aruga

  • Yuki Ito

  • MSP-Greg

3.2.3 - 2016-11-25


  • Fixed a bug that --order isn’t applied. [GitHub#129][Reported by Vít Ondruch]


  • Vít Ondruch

3.2.2 - 2016-11-02


  • Improved Travis CI configuration. [GitHub#123][Patch by Ryunosuke Sato]

  • Supported Java native exception. [GitHub#126][Reported by Bob Saveland]


  • doc: Fixed markup. [GitHub#127][Patch by Tomohiro Hashidate]

  • Fixed a bug that --location=LINE may not detect a test when fixtures are defined before any tests:

    1 class MyTestCase < Test::Unit::TestCase
    2   setup do
    3   end
    5   test "xxx" do
    6   end
    7 end

    --location=5 couldn’t find the xxx test.

    [Reported by Ryota Sasabe]


  • Ryunosuke Sato

  • Tomohiro Hashidate

  • Bob Saveland

  • Ryota Sasabe

3.2.1 - 2016-07-19


  • Clarified lib/test/unit/diff.rb license. It’s a triple license of the Ruby license, PSF license and LGPLv2.1 or later. [Reported by Luisa Pace]

  • Reported norification when data driven test doesn’t have parameter. [GitHub#122][Reported by Satoshi “Moris” Tagomori]


  • Luisa Pace

  • Satoshi “Moris” Tagomori

3.2.0 - 2016-06-12


  • Supported rxvt family terminals as color available terminals. [GitHub#121][Reported by Ippei Kishida]


  • Ippei Kishida

3.1.9 - 2016-05-20


  • Fixed conflict with test-unit-power_assert. [GitHub#120][Patch by Kazuki Tsujimoto]

  • Fixed a bug that path in $LOAD_PATH may be removed.


  • Kazuki Tsujimoto

3.1.8 - 2016-03-19


  • Added --stop-on-failure command line option. With this option, running test suite is stopped immediately when one test is failed or an error is raised in one test.

3.1.7 - 2016-01-17


  • Added a missing require.

3.1.6 - 2016-01-17

It’s a Ruby on Rails integration improvement release.


  • Filtered backtrace of power_assert. [GitHub#114]
  • Improved performance to retrieve test defined location.
  • Improved performance to run fixtures in a test.
  • Supported running a test by yield in setup:


    def setup
      @file = File.open("x")
    def teardown


    def setup
      File.open("x") do |file|
        @file = file
  • Added --default-test-path option that specifies the default path that has tests.
  • Made auto runner registration more lazily. Auto runner isn’t registered automatically until user defines a test. In the previous releases, auto runner is registered automatically when user defines a test case.
  • Supported specifying a test by location in command line. For example, the following command line runs a test that is defined in /tmp/test_a.rb at line 10:

    % ruby -r test-unit -e run_test /tmp/test_a.rb:10


  • Fixed a bug that test isn’t ran. The test has the same name as data driven test that is defined in parent test case. [GitHub#115]

3.1.5 - 2015-10-09

It’s a Rack integration improvement release.


  • Renamed experimental top-level run method to run_test method because run is conflicted with Rack. [GitHub#32][GitHub:basecamp/pow#303] [Reported by Yevhen Viktorov]


  • Yevhen Viktorov

3.1.4 - 2015-09-26

It’s a minor improvement release.


  • Updated sample code. [GitHub#109][Patch by takiy33]
  • Updated .travis.yml. [GitHub#110][Patch by takiy33]
  • document: Added table header in how to document. [GitHub#111][Patch by takiy33]
  • Removed duplicated code. [GitHub#112][Patch by takiy33]
  • Removed needless encoding conversion in fetching code snippet. [GitHub#113][Patch by NARUSE, Yui]


  • takiy33
  • NARUSE, Yui

3.1.3 - 2015-07-26

It’s a bug fix release.


  • Removed unused TODO file. [GitHub#108][Patch by takiy33]


  • --location: Fixed a bug that --location LINE doesn’t work when test script is specified as relative path. [Reported by TOMITA Masahiro]

    The following doesn’t work:

    % ruby ./test.rb --location 10

    The following works:

    % ruby test.rb --location 10


  • takiy33
  • TOMITA Masahiro

3.1.2 - 2015-06-09

It’s command line option improvements fix release.


  • --location: Made path match rule more strict. [Suggested by kimura wataru]
    • Before:
      • If test defined path ends with the specified path, the test is matched.
    • After:
      • If base name of test defined path equals to the specified path, the test is matched.
      • If relative path of test defined path equals to the specified path, the test is matched.
      • If the specified path is absolute path and test defined path equals to the specified path, the test is matched.
  • --pattern: If the option is specified, the default patterns aren’t used. In the earlier versions, both the default patterns and the specified patterns are used. [Suggested by kimura wataru]


  • kimura wataru

3.1.1 - 2015-05-29

It’s a bug fix release.


  • Fixed a bug that --location detects tests not only in sub test case but also parent test case. [GitHub#105][Reported by wanabe]


  • wanabe

3.1.0 - 2015-05-28

It’s a bug fix release.


  • [ui][console] Removed needless new line.


  • Fixed a bug that priority mode can’t be used on Windows. [GitHub#95][Reported by Daniel Berger]
  • Fixed a homepage URL RubyGems spec. [GitHub#96][Patch by Masayoshi Takahashi] supported.) [GitHub#89][Patch by Aaron Stone]
  • Fixed a bug that shutdown hook isn’t called when pass throw exception such as Interrupt is raised. [GitHub#98][Reported by jeremiahishere.]
  • Fixed typos in documents. [GitHub#100][Reported by scivola] [GitHub#102][GitHub#103][Patch by Masafumi Yokoyama]
  • Fixed a bug that the same name test isn’t executed in sub test case. [GitHub#104][Reported by wanabe]


  • Daniel Berger
  • Masayoshi Takahashi
  • jeremiahishere
  • scivola
  • Masafumi Yokoyama
  • wanabe

3.0.9 - 2014-12-31

It’s a release that improves colors.


  • Added a work around for Ruby 1.8. (Note: Ruby 1.8 isn’t supported.) [GitHub#89][Patch by Aaron Stone]
  • Supported colorized output on Windows. [GitHub#90][Patch by usa]
  • Improved colorized output. http://www.a-k-r.org/d/2014-12.html#a2014_12_27_1 [Suggested by Tanaka Akira]


  • Aaron Stone
  • usa
  • Tanaka Akira

3.0.8 - 2014-12-12

It’s a release that supports Ruby 2.2.0 preview2.


  • Added a link for YARD in README. [GitHub:test-unit.github.io#2][Reported by sunnyone]
  • Added description about “/PATTERN/” style value in auto runner usage. [GitHub#86][Suggested by sunnyone]
  • Supported Ruby 2.2.0 preview2 in assert_throw and assert_nothing_thrown.


  • Fixed a bug that error report is failed when source encoding and locale encoding are different. [GitHub#87][Reported by scivola]


  • sunnyone
  • scivola

3.0.7 - 2014-11-14

It’s a minor update release.


  • Fixed a bug that teardown blocks aren’t called with sub class to parent class order. [GitHub#85][Reported by TOMITA Masahiro]


  • TOMITA Masahiro

3.0.6 - 2014-11-09

It’s a minor update release.


  • Improved code snippet location. [GitHub#84][Patch by Yuki Kurihara]


  • Yuki Kurihara

3.0.5 - 2014-11-08

It’s a minor update release.


  • Fixed a bug that startup/shutdown of parent test case isn’t called when the test case includes one or more modules. [GitHub#83][Reported by Chadderton Odwazny]


  • Chadderton Odwazny

3.0.4 - 2014-11-01

It’s a minor update release.


  • Stopped to remove JRuby and Rubinius internal backtrace entries from backtrace on failure/error. [GitHub#82][Patch by Charles Oliver Nutter]


  • Charles Oliver Nutter

3.0.3 - 2014-10-29

It’s a minor update release.


  • Improved Test::Unit::TestCase.test performance. 100 times faster.
  • Supported Proc for user message. [Sugested by Nobuyoshi Nakada]


  • Fixed markup in document. [GitHub#81][Patch by Masafumi Yokoyama]


  • Masafumi Yokoyama
  • Nobuyoshi Nakada

3.0.2 - 2014-10-15

It’s a minor update release.


  • Supported broken == implementation. == implementation should be fixed but it’s not work of test-unit. :< [GitHub#71][Reported by Emily]
  • [UI][console]: Accepted no message failure. [GitHub#66][Reported by Brian Tatnall]
  • Updated gem description. [GitHub#74][Patch by Vít Ondruch]
  • Updated GPL text. [GitHub#78][Patch by Vít Ondruch]


  • Removed needless executable bit from README file. [GitHub#79][Patch by Vít Ondruch]


  • Emily
  • Brian Tatnall
  • Vít Ondruch

3.0.1 - 2014-08-05

It’s a minor update release.


  • Improved Ruby 1.8.7 support. Note that we don’t support Ruby 1.8.7 actively. We just support if its support is painless. [GitHub#71][Patch by estolfo]


  • estolfo

3.0.0 - 2014-08-03

It’s Power Assert supported release!


  • Improved Rubinius support. [Ryo Onodera]
  • Updated RR repository link. [GitHub#56][Patch by Kenichi Kamiya]
  • Added some minitest compatible assertions. We don’t recommend using these assertions. They are just for migrating from minitest. [GitHub#57][Patch by Karol Bucek]
    • {Test::Unit::Assertions#refute}
    • {Test::Unit::Assertions#refute_predicate}
    • {Test::Unit::Assertions#refute_empty}
    • {Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_not_includes}
    • {Test::Unit::Assertions#refute_includes}
    • {Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_not_instance_of}
    • {Test::Unit::Assertions#refute_instance_of}
    • {Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_not_kind_of}
    • {Test::Unit::Assertions#refute_kind_of}
    • {Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_not_operator}
    • {Test::Unit::Assertions#refute_operator}
  • Improved code readability. [Suggested by Kenichi Kamiya]
  • Made license field in RubyGems parseable. [GitHub#60][Patch by Michael Grosser]
  • Improved test case match feature by --testcase and --ignore-testcase options. They also checks parent class names.
  • Made inspected representation of Numeric objects especially BigDecimal more readable. [GitHub#64][Reported by Byron Appelt]
  • Added badges for Traivs CI and RubyGems. [GitHub#65][Patch by Byron Appelt]
  • Supported Power Assert. You can use Power Assert with {Test::Unit::Assertions#assert} with block. See method document for details. We recommend using Power Assert for predicate method checks. For example, we recommend Power Assert rather than {Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_true}, {Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_predicate} and so on. We don’t recommend using Power Assert for equality check assertion. {Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_equal} should be used for the case. [Kazuki Tsujimoto]


  • Fixed a bug that test case defined by block has wrong location. [GitHub#58][Patch by Narihiro Nakamura]
  • Fixed a bug that test methods defined in included modules in super-class are also collected. [GitHub#62][GitHub#63][Patch by Karol Bucek]


  • Ryo Onodera
  • Kenichi Kamiya
  • Karol Bucek
  • Narihiro Nakamura
  • Michael Grosser
  • Byron Appelt
  • Kazuki Tsujimoto

2.5.5 - 2013-05-18

It’s Ruby 2.0.0 supported release!


  • Supported Ruby 2.0.0. [GitHub#54] [Reported by mtasaka]
  • Accepted screen-256color TERM as 256 colors available environment. [GitHub#55] [Reported by Tom Miller]


  • Fixed a typo in document. [GitHub#53] [Patch by Baptiste Fontaine]
  • Fixed a bug in {Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_in_epsilon}. It doesn’t work as expected if expected value is negative value. [Ruby Bug #8317] [Reported by Nobuhiro IMAI]


  • Baptiste Fontaine
  • mtasaka
  • Tom Miller
  • Nobuhiro IMAI

2.5.4 - 2013-01-23

It’s a bug fix release.


  • Added documents for data driven test functionality.
  • Added TSV support for data driven test functionality.
  • Support tag inspection on JRuby.


  • Fixed a bug. It is too slow to filter tests when there are many tests. [GitHub#46]
  • Accept anonymous test suite. [GitHub:#49] [Reported by Matthew Rudy Jacobs]


  • Matthew Rudy Jacobs

2.5.3 - 2012-11-28

It’s a release for minitest compatibility and bug fix.


  • Supported diff in invalid encoding.
  • Added some assersion methods just for minitest compatibility. Added methods are assert_includes(), refute_*() and refute(). If you are test-unit user, please don’t use them. [GitHub#40] [Suggested by Michael Grosser]
  • Added –attribute option to select target tests by attribute. [test-unit-users-en:00098] [Suggested by Piotr Nestorow]


  • Allowed use of test for inheritance in ActionController::TestCase. [GitHub#42] [Patch by David Rasch]
  • Ensured evaluating at_exit block in top level. In IRB context, exit() specifies irb_exit(). [test-unit-users-en:00089] [Reported by Daniel Berger]
  • Fixed a bug that decoration style description is ignored. “decoration style description” are using description method above “def test_name” or with Symbol specifying test_name. [GitHub#45] [Reported by Piotr Nestorow]


  • Michael Grosser
  • David Rasch
  • Daniel Berger
  • Piotr Nestorow

2.5.2 - 2012-08-29

It’s an improvement release for tmtms. --location is a similar feature to --line_number in RSpec. sub_test_case is a similar feature to context in shoulda-context and RSpec.


  • Cleaned up tests. [GitHub#34] [Patch by Michael Grosser]
  • Added missing background color for 8 color environment.
  • Added workaround for NetBeans. [GitHub#38] [Reported by Marc Cooper]
  • Added --location command line option that selects target tests by test defined location.
  • Created sub test suite for each subclassed test case.
  • [ui][console] Supported nested test suites.
  • Added {Test::Unit.at_start} and {Test::Unit.at_exit} hooks that are run before/after all tests are run. [Good hook name is suggested by kdmsnr]
  • Improved code snippet target on failure. Test method is always used for code snippet target. [GitHub#39] [Suggested by Michael Grosser]
  • Added {Test::Unit::TestCase.sub_test_case} that creates sub test case. The sub test case name isn’t limited Ruby’s constant name rule. You can specify the sub test case name in free form.


  • Michael Grosser
  • Marc Cooper
  • kdmsnr

2.5.1 - 2012-07-05

It’s a bug fix release.


  • Supported installing from GitHub. [GitHub#29] [Suggested by Michael Grosser]
  • Supported ActiveSupport::TestCase. [GitHub#30] [Reported by Michael Grosser]
  • [ui][console] Improved multiline falut message display.


  • [ui][console] Fixed a bug that expected and actual values are empty. [GitHub#31][GitHub#33] [Reported by Kendall Buchanan][Reported by Mathieu Martin] [Hinted by Michael Grosser]
  • Fixed a bug that .gemspec can’t be loaded on LANG=C. [RubyForge#29595] [Reported by Jean-Denis Koeck]


  • Michael Grosser
  • Kendall Buchanan
  • Mathieu Martin
  • Jean-Denis Koeck

2.5.0 - 2012-06-06

It’s a bug fix release.


  • Fixed a backward incompatibility of TestUnitMediator#run_suite introduced in 2.4.9. [GitHub#28] [Reported by Vladislav Rassokhin]


  • Vladislav Rassokhin

2.4.9 - 2012-06-03

It’s a bug fix release.


  • Test::Unit.run? -> Test::Unit::AutoRunner.need_auto_run?. Test::Unit.run? is marked as deprecated but it is still available.
  • [experimental] Added top level “run” method for "ruby -rtest-unit -e run test/test_*.rb". Is this API OK or dirty?
  • Made failure output more readable on no color mode.
  • Supported showing ASCII-8BIT diff in failure message.
  • [ui][console] Supported ENV["TERM"] == "xterm-256color" as color available terminal. [GitHub#26] [Reported by Michael Grosser]
  • [ui][console] Supported “-256color” suffix ENV["TERM"] terminal as 256 color supported terminal.


  • Fixed a bug that --workdir doesn’t work.
  • Consumed processed command line parameters in ARGV as --help says. [RubyForge#29554] [Reported by Bob Saveland]
  • Added missing require "test/unit/diff". [GitHub#25] [Reported by Stephan Kulow]


  • Bob Saveland
  • Stephan Kulow
  • Michael Grosser

2.4.8 - 2012-3-6

It’s a bug fix release.


  • Delayed at_exit registration until Test::Unit is used. [GitHub:#21] [Reported by Jason Lunn]
  • Added workaround for test-spec. [GitHub:#22] [Reported by Cédric Boutillier]


  • Fixed an error on code snippet display on JRuby. [GitHub:#19][GitHub:#20] [Reported by Jørgen P. Tjernø][Patch by Junegunn Choi]


  • Jørgen P. Tjernø
  • Junegunn Choi
  • Jason Lunn

2.4.7 - 2012-2-10

It’s a code snippet improvement release.


  • Supported code snippet display on all faults.

2.4.6 - 2012-2-9

It’s a TAP runner separated release.


  • Moved TAP runner to test-unit-runner-tap gem from test-unit gem.
  • Supported code snippet display on failure.

2.4.5 - 2012-1-16

It’s a failure message readability improvement release.


  • Removed needless information from exception inspected text on failure. It’s for easy to read.
  • Supported custom inspector.

2.4.4 - 2012-1-2

It’s a Rails integration improved release.


  • [ui][console] Don’t break progress display when a test is failed.
  • [ui][console] Added markers betwen a failure detail message in progress to improve visibility.
  • [travis] Dropped Ruby 1.8.6 as a test target. [GitHub:#13] [Patch by Josh Kalderimis]
  • Supported expected value == 0 case in assert_in_epsilon. [RubyForge#29485] [Reported by Syver Enstad]
  • Supported a block style setup/teardown/cleanup.


  • Josh Kalderimis
  • Syver Enstad

2.4.3 - 2011-12-11


  • Improved SimpleCov integration by stopping to modify ARGV in auto runner. [GitHub:#12] [Reported by Nikos Dimitrakopoulos]
  • Improved JRuby integration by removing JRuby internal backtrace.


  • Nikos Dimitrakopoulos

2.4.2 - 2011-11-26


  • --name supported data label.

2.4.1 - 2011-11-09


  • Accepted AssertionMessage as assertion’s user message. It is used in assert_select in actionpack. [Reported by David Heath]


  • Fixed test failure on LANG=C. #11 [Reported by boutil]
  • Suppress warnings on Ruby 1.9.2.


  • boutil
  • David Heath

2.4.0 - 2011-09-18


  • Supported Travis CI. #5 [Suggested by James Mead]
  • Added Gemfile. #6 [Suggested by James Mead]
  • [ui][console] Supported notification in show-detail-immediately.
  • [ui][console] enable –show-detail-immediately by default.
  • [ui] Added –max-diff-target-string-size option.
  • [ui][console] Supported 256 colors.


  • Added missing fixture file. #7 [Reported by grafi-tt]
  • [ui][console] Added missing the last newline for progress level.
  • Supported correct backtrace for redefined notification.
  • Don’t handle Timeout::Error as pass through exception on Ruby 1.8. #8 [Reported by Marc Seeger (Acquia)]


  • James Mead
  • grafi-tt
  • Marc Seeger (Acquia)

2.3.2 - 2011-08-15

A bug fix release.


  • [ui][console] Added some newlines to improve readability.


  • [ui][console] Worked –verbose again.
  • Re-supported Ruby 1.8.6. [Reported by James Mead]


  • James Mead

2.3.1 - 2011-08-06

Output improvement release!


  • [ui][console] Outputs omissions and notifications in short.
  • [ui][console] Added “important-only” verbose level.
  • Intelligence diff supports recursive references.
  • [rubyforge #29325] Supported Ruby Enterprise Edition. [Reported by Hans de Graaff]
  • [rubyforge #29326] Supported JRuby. [Reported by Hans de Graaff]
  • Added –show-detail-immediately option that shows fault details when a fault is occurred.


  • [pull request #1] Fixed a problem that load collector can’t load a test file on Ruby 1.9. [Patch by grafi-tt]
  • [issue #3] Fixed a problem that implicit method name override by declarative style test definition. [Reported by Jeremy Stephens]


  • grafi-tt
  • Jeremy Stephens
  • Hans de Graaff

2.3.0 / 2011-04-17

  • 13 enhancements
    • improve Hash key sorting for diff.
    • [#28928] support any characters in declarative style description. [Daniel Berger]
    • add Error#location and make #backtrace deprecated.
    • make TestCase#passed? public.
    • add result finished and pass assertion notifications.
    • add TestSuite#passed? public.
    • add XML test runner.
    • add –output-file-descriptor option.
    • measure elapsed time for each test.
    • add –collector option.
    • support test driven test. [Haruka Yoshihara]
    • add cleanup hook it runs between after test and before teardown.
    • support recursive collection sort for diff.
  • Thanks
    • Daniel Berger
    • Haruka Yoshihara

2.2.0 / 2011-02-14

  • 22 enhancements
    • [#28808] accept String as delta for assert_in_delta. [Daniel Berger]
    • [test-unit-users-en:00035] make GC-able finished tests. [Daniel Berger]
    • use also COLUMNS environment variable to guess terminal width.
    • make delta for assert_in_delta optional. [Nobuyoshi Nakada]
    • add assert_not_respond_to. [Nobuyoshi Nakada]
    • add assert_not_match. assert_no_match is deprecated. [Nobuyoshi Nakada]
    • add assert_not_in_delta. [Nobuyoshi Nakada]
    • add assert_in_epsilon. [Nobuyoshi Nakada]
    • add assert_not_in_epsilon. [Nobuyoshi Nakada]
    • add assert_include. [Nobuyoshi Nakada]
    • add assert_not_include. [Nobuyoshi Nakada]
    • add assert_empty. [Nobuyoshi Nakada]
    • add assert_not_empty. [Nobuyoshi Nakada]
    • notify require failed paths.
    • validate message value for assert.
    • show throughputs at the last.
    • support not ASCII compatible string diff.
    • support colorized diff on encoding different string.
    • normalize entry order of Hash for readable diff.
    • add –ignore-name option.
    • add –ignore-testcase option.
    • add assert_not_send.
  • Thanks
    • Daniel Berger
    • Nobuyoshi Nakada

2.1.2 / 2010-11-25

  • 1 enhancement
    • support auto runner prepare hook.

2.1.1 / 2010-07-29

  • 1 bug fix
    • [test-unit-users-en:00026] re-work tap runner. [Daniel Berger]
  • Thanks
    • Daniel Berger

=== 2.1.0 / 2010-07-17

  • 1 bug fix
    • [#28267] global config file ignored [Daniel Berger]
  • Thanks
    • Daniel Berger

2.0.8 / 2010-06-02

  • 5 major enchancements
    • collect *_test.rb and *-test.rb files as test files.
    • [#28181] improve assert_in_delta message. [Suggested by David MARCHALAND]
    • show string encoding in assert_equal failure message if they are different.
    • change default color scheme:
      • success: green back + white
      • failure: red back + white
    • add capture_output.
  • 2 bug fixes
    • fix a bug that console runner on verbose mode causes an error for long test name (>= 61).
    • [#28093] Autorunner ignores all files in a directory named test by default [Reported by Florian Frank]
  • Thanks
    • Florian Frank
    • David MARCHALAND

2.0.7 / 2010-03-09

  • 4 major enhancements
    • detect redefined test methods.
    • [INTERFACE IMCOMPATIBLE] multiple –name and –testcase options narrow down targets instead of adding targets.
    • [#27764] accept custom test_order for each test case. [Suggested by David MARCHALAND]
    • [#27790] ignore omitted tests from ‘n% passed’ report. [Suggested by Daniel Berger]
  • 2 minor enchancements
    • [#27832] ignore .git directory. [Suggested by Daniel Berger]
    • [#27792] require ‘fileutils’ and ‘tmpdir’ lazily for non-priority mode users. [Suggested by David MARCHALAND]
  • 2 bug fixes
    • [#27892] modify processed arguments array destructively. [Reported by Bob Saveland]
    • work without HOME environment variable. [Reported by Champak Ch]
  • Thanks
    • David MARCHALAND
    • Daniel Berger
    • Bob Saveland
    • Champak Ch

2.0.6 / 2010-01-09

  • 3 major enhancements
    • [#27380] Declarative syntax? [Daniel Berger] support declarative syntax:

      test “test description in natural language” do … end

    • support test description: description “test description in natural language” def test_my_test … end
    • make max diff target string size customizable by TEST_UNIT_MAX_DIFF_TARGET_STRING_SIZE environment variable.
  • 2 bug fixes
    • [#27374] omit_if unexpected behavior [David MARCHALAND]
    • fix a bug that tests in sub directories aren’t load with –basedir. [Daniel Berger]
  • Thanks
    • David MARCHALAND
    • Daniel Berger

2.0.5 / 2009-10-18

  • 1 bug fixes
    • [#27314] fix diff may raise an exception. [Erik Hollensbe]
  • Thanks
    • Erik Hollensbe

2.0.4 / 2009-10-17

  • 4 major enhancements
    • use ~/.test-unit.yml as global configuration file.
    • add TAP runner. (–runner tap)
    • support colorized diff: http://test-unit.github.io/color-diff.png
    • add Test::Unit::AutoRunner.default_runner= to specify default test runner.
  • 4 minor enhancements
    • improve verbose mode output format. (use indent)
    • support arguments option in #{runner}_options.
    • TC_ -> Test in sample test case name.
  • 1 bug fixes
    • [#27195] test-unit-2.0.3 + ruby-1.9.1 cannot properly test DelegateClass subclasses [Mike Pomraning]
  • Thanks
    • Mike Pomraning

2.0.3 / 2009-07-19

  • 6 major enhancements
    • add assert_predicate.
    • add assert_not_predicate.
    • [#24210] assert_kind_of supports an array of classes or modules. [Daniel Berger]
    • assert_instance_of supports an array of classes or modules.
    • add –default-priority option.
    • [#26627] add –order option. [Daniel Berger]
  • 4 minor enhancements
    • use yellow foreground + black background for error.
    • don’t show diff for long string.
    • accept “*term-color” TERM environment as colorizable terminal. (e.g. Apple’s Terminal)
    • [#26268] add a workaround for test-spec’s after_all. [Angelo Lakra]
  • 1 bug fix
    • [#23586] re-support ruby 1.9.1. [Diego Pettenò]
  • Thanks
    • Diego Pettenò
    • Daniel Berger
    • Angelo Lakra

2.0.2 / 2008-12-21

  • 2 major enhancements

    • re-support ruby 1.8.5.
    • improve exception object comparison.
  • 3 bug fixes

    • [#22986]: Test names with ‘?’ blow up on Windows
  • Thanks

    • Erik Hollensbe
    • Daniel Berger
    • Bill Lear

2.0.1 / 2008-11-09

  • 19 major enhancements

    • support ruby 1.9.1.
    • add run_test method to be extensible.
    • improve priority-mode auto off.
    • improve startup/shutdown RDoc. [Daniel Berger]
    • add assert_compare. [#20851] [Designing Patterns]
    • add assert_fail_assertion. [#20851] [Designing Patterns]
    • add assert_raise_message. [#20851] [Designing Patterns]
    • support folded diff.
    • add assert_raise_kind_of. [Daniel Berger]
    • ingore inherited test for nested test case.
    • add assert_const_defined.
    • add assert_not_const_defined.
    • support assert_raise with an exception object.
    • support assert_raise with no arguments that asserts any exception is raised. [#22602] [Daniel Berger]
    • support folded dot progress.
    • add –progress-row-max option.
    • support color scheme customize.
    • support configuration file. (YAML)
    • recognize test-XXX.rb files as test files not only test_XXX.rb
  • Thanks

    • Daniel Berger
    • Designing Patterns

2.0.0 / 2008-06-18

  • 15 major enhancements

    • support startup/shutdown. (test case level setup/teardown)
    • support multiple setup/teardown.
    • support pending.
    • support omission.
    • support notification.
    • support colorize.
    • support diff.
    • support test attribute.
    • add assert_boolean.
    • add assert_true.
    • add assert_false.
    • add –priority-mode option.
    • don’t use ObjectSpace to collect test cases.
    • make more customizable. (additional options, exception handling and so on)
    • improve Emacs integration.
  • 4 major changes

    • remove GTK+1 support.
    • split GTK+ runner as another gem.
    • split FOX runner as another gem.
    • split Tk runner as another gem.

1.2.3 / 2008-02-25

  • 1 major enhancement

    • Birthday (as a gem)!